February 10, 2023

Lifetime is known for its “ripped from the headlines” original movies. And their promo and marketing team has always done a great job of balancing dramatic title promotion with brand spots that have fun with the category. But this spot is different…

Why I like this spot

This promo, for a collection of four original movies, really stands out. Having the lead characters break the fourth wall to proclaim their innocence is surprising. And the rhythmic track of clips surrounding the characters keeps the spot moving. While all of the titles are different “true crime” stories, the four protagonists have the same question for the viewer, “Do you believe me?” It’s a great thematic promo.


Every month, CMOintelligence adds nearly 1000 new promos from more than 125 linear and streaming entertainment services to its promo library. At the end of each month, Lee Hunt selects and analyzes the best new promo strategies, tactics and creative for CMOi subscribers. Each week, CMOi publishes the best of those selects in Lee’s Promo of the Week.

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